Capacity building in agricultural production.

Last-mile distribution for carbon offset products

Supporting value chain development

We catalyze value chain linked production programmes in rural communities.

We support local communities


Evaluating potential participation in given value chains or components of value chains


Linking groups to credit, inputs and markets


Capacity building: production skills; accountability structures;


The introduction of high value crops, production group formation and initiation of production activities


Establishing aggregation to create scale: grading sheds; produce collection logistics;

Read about our communities

We work with social enterprises.

Whether we’re talking about water filters, or energy efficient stoves, there is one common challenge for carbon offset products – their distribution to the rural masses.

For the past 4 years, Akili Holdings has been working to solve the issue of last-mile distribution for carbon offset products. We have worked with social enterprises in Kenya to design and implement working models that are cost effective and context-sensitive.

Value chains of focus

Vegetable growing and dehydration

Grain storage beyond harvest

Mango value addition/storage

Beekeeping production, aggregation and value addition

Last mile distribution of green energy products

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 By financing community training 


Realize profit and social impact